Yale Street Pharmacy

Yale Street Pharmacy was founded by Abel and Mildred Dupuis in 1923. This husband and wife pharmacist duo originally intended the business to be a pharmacy, but it soon evolved into much more.
The Dupuis’ would make sodas, breakfast, and sandwiches for their customers to enjoy while picking up prescriptions. The food was a hit and business was good; a post-office and a giftshop were added to the establishment. The Dupuis also decided to incorporate their business.
Yale Street Pharmacy, Inc was completely family owned and operated. Abel served as President, Mildred as secretary/treasurer, and their son Abel, Jr as Vice President once he reached adulthood.
They eventually outgrew their previous establishment and had a newer, modern building built near the original location in 1952. This building @ 2100 Yale (NE corner of Yale and 21st) is still standing today as Yale Street Grill.